
петак, 21. септембар 2018.

MapTools+ Map Calculator


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MapTools+ spherical geometry utilities. MapTools+ is useful and accurate app tool, using the spherical geometry utilities,

Main features are :

- calculate area in square km, of a closed path on the Earth,
- distance on the map between two latitude/longitude coordinates in meters,
- compute bearing between two latitude/longitude coordinates,
- midpoint calculator between two latitude/longitude coordinates,
- interpolation calculator for custom point count between two latitude/longitude coordinates,
- convert KML objects into geographical shapes and render them as a layer on map,
- store features in GeoJSON format and use this utility to render them as a layer on map,
- show coordinates position in utm projection,
- map - normal, hybrid, satellite and terrain view.

Drawer menu provides various tools which you can select to work on the map.

Download example files at the end of the text.

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You can download examples file from link :

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus #GaussKrüger #sedam #parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #srbija

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