
четвртак, 28. јул 2022.

GridPlus XY H - Kreiranje 2D i 1D grida na osnovu Kontrolnih tacaka

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You want so see more videos like this? Then subscribe and turn on notifications! Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel. Ne zaboravite da se prijavite kao pratilac na moj youtube kanal.

Program za kreiranje grida koji definise dvodimenionalni ili jednodimenzionalni pomeraj datuma na osnovu vrednosti opazanih (poznatih) kontrolnih tacaka. Ovo koristi pristup direktnog proracuna pomeraja grid reziduala koristeci metod najmanjih kvadrata umesto interpolovanja opazanja (poznate) kontrolne tacke na cvorovima grida. Ovaj pristup je pozeljan tamo gde pomak podataka odrazava istorijske sistematske greske, poput datuma nivelmanske mreze i horizontalnih istorijskih podataka.

Pristup koji se koristi je da se odredi grid koriscenjem metode najmanjih kvadrata ukljucivanjem opazenih (poznatih) kontrolnih tacaka radi minimalizacije, prvo se radi prilagodjavanje opazanih (poznatih) kontrolnih tacaka, a drugo distorzija unutar svakog kvadratnog grida.

Program to build a grid defining a one or two dimensional datum offset based on values observed at a set of control points. This uses an approach of directly calculating the grid offset using a least squares calculation rather than interpolating control point observations onto the grid nodes. This approach is preferred where the datum offset reflects historical systematic errors such as in levelling datums or historical horizontal datums.

The approach used is to solve using least squares and including "observations" to minimize two quantities, firstly the fit of the observations to the control points, and secondly the distortion within each grid square.

YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A

RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay : https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki

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FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

Nasa Drustvena Mreza : hhttps://www.drustvenamreza.com/pages/geoalatiplus/

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понедељак, 4. јул 2022.

GeoWebReport - Generator Izvestaja - Gaus Kriger 6 i 7 zona

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Generator izvestaja je program razvijen u programskom jeziku C# na .Net 4.6.2 platformi za windows operativne sisteme. Aplikacija generator izvestaja omogucava automatizaciju dela procesa kod izrade Elaborata Geodetskih Radova. Potpuno automatizovan proces koriscenja web aplikacije grider unosom koordinata koriscenjem menija Unos Koordinata.

Procitaj uputstvo : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CSwJCseJ0S27lhjOJ-TNahdv9eCFFnb0/view.

YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A

RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay : https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki

LinkeDin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/

FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

Nasa Drustvena Mreza : hhttps://www.drustvenamreza.com/pages/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

#gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #RINEX