
понедељак, 7. децембар 2020.

Povrsina poligona - Polygon area

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Jednostavan mali program za racunanje povrsine poligona napisan u C# programskom jeziku na .NET 4.5 okruzenju.

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YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay :https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki
LinkeDin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/
FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

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понедељак, 16. новембар 2020.

Kruznica - Circle

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U geodetskim radovima cesto je potrebno izmeriti srediste i radijus nekih kruznih struktura. Posto se polozaj i radijus centra ne mogu meriti direktno, totalna stanica ili GPS se cesto koriste za merenje obodnih tacaka na osnovu kojih se racuna srediste i radijus.

Ovaj program moze uklopiti kruzne koordinate sredista i informacije o radijusu iz obodnih koordinata tacaka.

Ne zaboravite da se prijavite na moj youtbe kanal.

YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay :https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki
LinkeDin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/
FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

#gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #RINEX

среда, 28. октобар 2020.

GNSS Data Preprocessor

GNSS Data Preprocessor written in object-oriented C# language, based on .NET Standard and supporting standard GNSS data format, RINEX 2.x - 3.0x.

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GNSS Data Preprocessor is a comprehensive toolkit for solving many problems when preprocessing GNSS data: read GNSS native receiver files and translate the data to other formats editing: metadata extraction, editing, and/or correction of RINEX header metadata; as well as cutting/splicing of RINEX files; quality checking of GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, IRNSS, SBAS, QZSS data, with or without navigation files with ephemerides; translation, editing, and quality checking.

and much more . . .

GNSS Data Preprocessor uradjen na objektno orijentisanom C # jeziku, zasnovan na .NET standardu i podržavaju standardni GNSS format podataka, RINEX 2.x - 3.0 x.

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GNSS Data Preprocessor je sveobuhvatan alat za resavanje mnogih problema prilikom prethodne obrade GNSS podataka: procitajte izvorne datoteke prijemnika GNSS i prenesite podatke u druge formate za uredjivanje: ekstrakcija metapodataka, uredjivanje i / ili ispravka metapodataka zaglavlja RINEX-a; kao i secenje / spajanje RINEX datoteka; provera kvaliteta GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, IRNSS, SBAS, QZSS podataka, sa ili bez navigacionih datoteka sa efemeridama; prevod, uredjivanje i provera kvaliteta.

i jos mnogo toga . . .

YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay :https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki
LinkeDin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/
FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

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субота, 5. септембар 2020.

GeoAlati+ SPP PPP je program za automatsko precizno pozicioniranje.

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like this? Then subscribe and turn on notifications! Don't forget to subscribe
youtube channel.
GeoAlati+ SPP PPP
je program za automatsko precizno pozicioniranje. Aplikacija procesira GPS,
GLONASS, BDS i Galileo podatke sa satelitskih sistema u vidu staticke i
kinematicke metode obrade. Postoji mogucnost izbora troposferskog modela UNB3m,
Saastamoinen (GPT2), Hopfield (GPT2) kao i razlicitih modela filtriranja za obradu
podataka, Kalman filtering, Square Root Information Filter (SRIF).
U okviru GeoAlati+
SPP PPP koristi se fazno izravnanje pseudoduzina sto povecava tacnost
pozicioniranja. PPP rezim je zasnovan na preciznim informacijama o efemeridama,
preciznim casovnim popravkama, preciznim podacima o pomeraju polova, antenskim
fajlovima . . . kao i SPP rezimu koji moze koristiti emitovane efemeride.
Osposobljen da
koristi sve verzije RINEX fajlova od verzija 2.x do 3.x kao i sve tipove
navigacionih fajlova n, g, c, j, l. GeoAlati+ SPP PPP preuzima sve neophodne
precizne fajlove sa raspolozivih ftp servera.
YouTube Channel :
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/
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#geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus #Gauss #Krüger #sedam #parametri
#WGS #pravougle #koordinate #cors

недеља, 31. мај 2020.

GeoWebReport - Generator Izvestaja

GeoWebReport - Generator Izvestaja

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Youtube : https://youtu.be/84Wmhra_p5w

Generator izvestaja je program razvijen u programskom jeziku C# na .Net 4.6.2 platformi za windows operativne sisteme. Aplikacija generator izvestaja omogucava automatizaciju dela procesa kod izrade Elaborata Geodetskih Radova. Potpuno automatizovan proces koriscenja web aplikacije grider unosom koordinata koriscenjem menija Unos Koordinata.

YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A?view_as=subscriber
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay :https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki

LinkeDin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/
FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus #Gauss #Krüger #sedam #parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #cors

недеља, 3. мај 2020.

LuckyNET CORS GNSS corrections part 2

Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel.

Youtube : https://youtu.be/LL6bmfXiipw

LuckyNET is designed for disseminating correction data or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile users over the Internet.

YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/


GooglePlay : https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki
LinkeDin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/
FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

#sasa_lazic_laki, @sasa_lazic_laki

possible rental... contact me

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gauss #Krüger #sedam #parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #cors

уторак, 31. март 2020.

Local Parameters Gauss Krüger WGS Parametri transformacije Gaus Kriger ...

Local Parameters Gauss Krüger WGS  Parametri transformacije Gaus Kriger WGS 7 parametara

Ne zaboravite da se prijavite kao pratilac na moj youtube kanal
Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel

"Local Parameters GK WGS" is designed to calculate the transformation parameters and the transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems is a fast and practical way. The software is aimed at specialists who use GNSS technology to perform geodetic works.

Youtube : https://youtu.be/H6cfwytiWeg
Rutube : rutube.ru/video/b4e81a9b37cb9fa8f3f7258387ef4e56/

"Local Parameters GK WGS" solves a modification of the quartic equation by the Newton method. The Newton method runs faster. Newton method is sufficiently precise because the resulting relative error is less than 10E-15, and this method is stable in the sense that the iteration converges for all coordinates
App rigorous datum transformation model to compute the transformation parameters and transform the non-common points integratively, considering the errors of all coordinates in both coordinate systems. transformation model is formulated, Based on the Newton algorithm and the numerical characteristics of transformation parameters. Presented method Newton algorithm can significantly improve the precision of the coordinate transformation, especially when the non-common points are strongly correlated with the common points used to compute the transformation parameters. 

Ellipsoid: Besel GRS80 (WGS)
Gauss Krüger zone: 5,6,7,8

YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNnd6dzXmsw7MeC1QlP4C4A?view_as=subscriber
RuTube Channel : https://rutube.ru/video/person/1400643/

GooglePlay :https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Don+Laki

LinkeDin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasalazic/FaceBook Page : https://www.facebook.com/geoalatiplus/

web pages:

If you need demo version up to 15 points, contact me on email  . . .

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus # Gauss–Krüger #7 #sedam # parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #srbija

субота, 15. фебруар 2020.

Adjustment Of Leveling Network - Izravnanje nivelmanske mreze

Adjustment Of Leveling Network - Izravnanje nivelmanske mreze

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Aplikacija napravljena na .Net 4.6 platformi koriscnejem C# programskog jezika. Omogucava izravnanje nivelmanske mreze a na osnovu unetih podataka merenja u raznima formatima.

Izravnava nivelmansku mrezu u zavisnosti od ulaznih merenih podataka, a na osnovu visinskih razlika, nadmorskih visina, rastojanja, broja stanica . . .

YouTube Channel: CLICK
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GooglePlay: CLICK
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Facebook Page: CLICK

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#geodesy #agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows

петак, 3. јануар 2020.

LuckyNET CORS GNSS corrections - korekcije GNSS permanentnih stanica

LuckyNET is an application protocol streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over the Internet.

Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel. Ne zaboravite da se prijavite kao pratilac na moj youtube kanal

Youtube : CLICK
Rutube : CLICK

This was challeging task. Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel

LuckyNET is designed for disseminating correction data (e.g in the RTCM-104 format) or other kinds of GNSS streaming data to stationary or mobile users over the Internet, allowing simultaneous PC, Laptop, PDA, or receiver connections to a broadcasting host. LuckyNET supports wireless Internet access through Mobile IP Networks like GSM, GPRS, EDGE, or UMTS.

The program is designed to provide real-time data from either

1. a Serial port, or
2. an IP server, or
3. a File, or
4. a SISNeT Data Server, or
5. a UDP server, or
6. an NTRIP Caster

Unlimited mountpoints and clients.

LuckyNET je program koji omogucava slanje podataka Globalnih navigacionih sistema (GNSS) internetom.

Youtube : CLICK
Rutube : CLICK

Ovo je bio izazov za mene. Nezaboravite da se prjiavite na moj youtube kanal

LuckyNET omogucava prosledjivanje korekcija ili prosledjivanja GNSS podataka ka stacionarnim ili pokretnim korisnicima putem interneta, pc-u, Laptopu, PDA uredjaju ili roveru na terenu koji je konektovan na LuckyNET server u realnom vremenu preko prosledjenog porta. LuckyNET podrzava wireless internet, mobilni internet kao GSM, GPRS, EDGE ili UMTS.

Program je dizajniran za prosledjivanje podataka u realnom vremenu sa bilo kog :

1. serijskog porta, ili
2. IP servera, ili
3. Fajla, ili
4. SISNeT data servera, ili
5. UDP servera, ili
6. NTRIP kastera

Neogranicen broj pristupnih tacaka i klijenata.

YouTube Channel : CLICK
RuTube Channel : CLICK

GooglePlay : CLICK
LinkeDin : CLICK
FaceBook Page : CLICK

web pages:

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus # Gauss–Krüger #7 #sedam # parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #srbija