
четвртак, 19. децембар 2019.

Time GNSS week seconds of week

Time Converter (Don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel)

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Time converter application - convert your local Date Time into the GPS week and GPS seconds of the week.

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RuTube Channel : CLICK

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web pages:

#agros #rgz #geomreze #gnss #gps #transformation #utm #latitude #longitude #geodetic #geodesy #surveyor #survey #surveying #srbija #projection #ellipsoid #etrs #etrf #itrs #itrf #landsurveyor #engineering #geo #геодезия #геодезија #geodezija #android #windows #GausKriger #Gaus #GaussKrüger #sedam #parametri #WGS #pravougle #koordinate #srbija