2D network least square adjustment
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The following tool 2D_Net+ allows to networks adjustment for xy network.
Input data format for measurements is:
Input data format for measurements is:
First field represents the point name, station name, where semicolon (;) is used as a field separator for all input files. Second field contains values FIX or FLOAT.
FIX value defines known point (position), while FLOAT value defines points which are being adjusted, contains point coordinates Y and X, in the same order.
Empty line separates second block which defines input parameters. Separator -- distinguishes the direction. The second block contains additional separator (<>), which distinguishes the data referring to the length value. So basically, after the block containing the measured direction (FROM - TO), follows a value of the measured direction expressed as degree, minute, second, separated by semicolon. Value for the direction and length standard deviation follows after the values of the direction and lengths.
Empty line separates second block which defines input parameters. Separator -- distinguishes the direction. The second block contains additional separator (<>), which distinguishes the data referring to the length value. So basically, after the block containing the measured direction (FROM - TO), follows a value of the measured direction expressed as degree, minute, second, separated by semicolon. Value for the direction and length standard deviation follows after the values of the direction and lengths.
Program omogucava polozajno izravnanje. Poznata tacka se oznacava sa tekstom FIX. Pre startovanja
mora se pripremiti ulazni fajl za svaku liniju poligona.
Prvo polje predstavlja ime tacke, stajalista, tacka zarez je separator. Posle imena tacke sledi oznaka FIX ili FLOAT. Oznaka FIX definise poznatu tacku, dok oznaka FLOAT definise tacke koje su
predmet izravnanja.
Nakon unetog prvog bloka tacaka sledi prazan red (nije obavezan) sa sledecim blokom podataka koji definise ulazne parametre, merene ili priblizne vrednosti. U prvom bloku ulaznog fajla pored imena tacaka, oznaka FIX ili
FLOAT unose koordinate tacaka i to prvo vrednosti za Y pa za X koordinatu
U drugom bloku tacaka pojavljuje se i oznaka <> koja oznacava podatak koji se odnosi na vrednost duzine. Dakle nakon unetog podataka od do merenog pravca unosi se vrednost
merenog pravca u formatu stepen, minut, sekunda odvojen separatorom tacka zarez. Nakon unete vrednosti pravaca i duzina unosi se vrednost za standardnu devijacij kako pravaca tako i duzina.
download examples 1 : HERE
download examples 2 : HERE
download examples 3 : HERE
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